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True Blood Last Sips: Franklin Mott

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We pay our last respects to True Blood’s final season with a week of drinks almost as delicious as Sookie’s Fairy Blood.

Get ready for a tasty trip back in time as we explore drinks your favorite vampires would’ve quaffed before they were turned.

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Franklin Mott (deceased 1954)


Even other vampires agreed Franklin Mott was a couple bottles short of a six pack, but when it came to undead investigations, he was one of the best. Fifty years of practice left him very good at finding anyone’s secrets. However, quality didn’t come cheap – especially if you factored in the cost of cleaning up the trail of body parts from all the women he obsessed over.


The cocktail hour was born in the 1950’s. It wasn’t a specific time of day so much as a laid -back mood. The gloomy war days were over. You could kick back with some friends, do something as silly as playing with a cocktail shaker, and enjoy a good drink with a clear conscience. After the grim days of prohibition and the austere days of World War II, mixing up some cocktails with friends had a kind of innocence to it. For the first time since the late 19th century, new drinks were being invented every day. Popular American books and movies made some of those drinks internationally famous overnight.


The Vesper

Franklin Mott, lifelong bad boy and self appointed private eye, wouldn’t have been able to resist the brand new Vesper Cocktail requested by James Bond in Casino Royale. It was the drink of wannabe spies and playboys alike. He no doubt kicked back with one in his noir office, imagining the drink made him as seductive as Bond himself. Franklin Mott also imagined every woman he met wanted to be his vampire bride, so his opinion of himself might have been a little biased. Don’t hold that against this otherwise excellent drink.

– 1 ½ shots Gin (James Bond asked for Gordon’s)
– ½ shot Vodka
– ½ shot Dry White Wine
– 2 drops Bitters
– Pinch Lemon Zest
– Curl of Lemon Peel

Everyone knows James Bond takes his martinis shaken, not stirred.

Pour everything but the lemon peel into a martini shaker. Add in a handful of ice. Pound the shaker like you’re a gritty detective pounding the pavement. When it’s time to catch a breath, strain the contents of your shaker into a martini glass. Garnish the glass with a twist of lemon peel.

The Vesper is best served with an Ian Fleming novel, a rare steak, and a penchant for needless drama.

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